Friday, 26 August 2011

A peek ..........

of what I'm doing tomorrow ....

I'm doing a Craft Fair for my charity NACC

my first!

I didn't get much notice. Luckily it's a fun day & not a dedicated Craft Fair so there will be lots of fun things going on bouncy castle/face painting/shoulder massage/live music/tombola/throw the wet sponge at the Consultant/cakes/nails etc as well as craft & vintage stalls including mine.

I'm hoping that the actual table is bigger than the chest in my hall that I used for a practice set out!

I'm not allowed to do cards as one of the committee does cards on a regular basis & is having a stall so I've had to be inventive!

Hope the selection goes down well
will let you know after the event


Claire said...

WOW looks loads of great stuff there - do let us know how you get on hun. Hugs. Claire x

Anonymous said...

It all looks fantastic! Hope it was a good day! x

salamanda said...

Looks great, hope it went well